Tuesday 24 March 2015

Focus Group Findings

Focus group findings:

1)      What do you think about the character Liam? – Most people described his character as loveable and that his character was determined to find out what happened to his friend. As this was positive feedback I didn’t change this character in my script.
2)      Did you find the events of the script were too unrealistic? Explain your answer. – Most people said that the storyline wasn’t that realistic however the characters were believable and the description of the setting was realistic. Due to this I didn’t make any changes.
3)      What genre do you think this TV programme represents? Explain your answer. – Most people said they anticipated this as a mystery drama, as this is the genre I was hoping for it to be, therefore I haven’t changed anything.
4)      Explain the character roles you think each character obtains? – Most people said they saw Olly and Mel as secondary characters and Liam and Cal as the main characters, however most people found Liam to be the ‘clumsy one’ who seems to always say the wrong thing, as this is what I was aiming for I am only going to alter Olly’s character as I intended for him to be seen as the leader of the group.
5)      How do you think I can improve my script? – Quite a few people said that there wasn’t much description about the characters appearance, therefore I will add more detail about the way they look.

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