Tuesday 24 March 2015

Questionnaire & Findings


1)      Do you prefer male or female lead characters?
A)Male        B)Female
2)      Which genre of TV programme do you prefer to watch?
A)Drama     B)Mystery     C)Comedy   
D)Sci-Fi      E)Soap           F)Action
3)      For a six part TV drama based on a group of friends solving their friends murder, how old do you think the characters should be?
      A) 15-16      B)17-18        C)19-20
4)  Do you think this is a good idea for a TV programme?
5)  What do you think a good name would be?
6)  What do you think is a good running time for each episode?
7)   Do you think characters should be from different ethnic groups?
8)  Between a council estate where the characters live and a college which do you              think is better for a ‘main’ setting?
9)  How long do you think the programme should be set out over?
     A)1-3 weeks B)A month   C)Other?
10) Would you watch this?


1)80% of people said male, whereas only 20% said female, therefore my main characters are mostly male.
2)15% said Drama, 25% said mystery, 25% said comedy, 10% said action, 15% said Sci-Fi, 20% said soap. Using these statistics I will use my original ideas and make my TV programme a mystery drama.
3)70% said 17-18 was the best age range for characters, 25% said 19-20 and only 5% said 15-16, using this information I will make my characters 17-18 years old.
4)90% said they liked my idea for a TV programme, therefore I will use this idea.
5)I found no helpful feedback from this question.
6)Most people said 30 minutes was the best running time for an episode, I will do this.
7)Everyone said it was a good idea to use characters from different ethnic groups, I have made my characters fit this.
8)The majority of people said that college was a better setting for the TV drama, therefore a college setting is included.
9)Most people said that setting my TV programme over a month was the best option, I think I will go along with this.

10)Most people said they would watch this, therefore I will stick to my initial idea.

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