Tuesday 24 March 2015

Initial ideas

 4 characters: 3 boys (main characters), 1 girl (secondary character)
Manchester at a college
Prior to the events of the TV drama, one of their friends was murdered and the drama revolves around them finding out what really happened.

Olly – the leader of the group. Dark skinned, short black afro hair, very tall, dresses quite chavy.
Cal – the ‘ladies man’. Tanned skin, dark styled hair, blue eyes, tall, dresses well and takes care in his appearance.
Liam – the clumsy one of the group. Quite pale skin, sandy brown hair, wears glasses, green eyes, medium height, wears whatever he can find, doesn’t take much pride in his appearance.
Mel – the alternative one. Quite tanned skin, bright long ginger hair, has a nose piercing, brown eyes, short, dresses ‘uniquely’.
Dan – their friend that died as well as Mel’s boyfriend.

Episode breakdown:

1)      Starts in the woods were children are playing on a play area and accidentally discover part of Dan’s body , then it goes to the police station were the 4 friends are being interviewed regarding his disappearance as they have no leads on it, they all tell the police what happened when they last saw him and a flashback of each of these moments.

2)      Starts at Dan’s funeral, his Mother blames them for what happened to him, afterwards they go to a warehouse, a place they go to often, and talk about how people think they were responsible for his death, when Liam gets home he has a letter at his door, inside is one of the toy soldiers he Dan, Cal and Olly had when they were younger, on the bottom is written ‘DAN’ a flashback is then shown of the four of them playing with the toys, when he tells Cal, he assures him nothing is wrong.

3)      First day back at college after half term and Olly hasn’t seen the rest of the gang since Dan’s funeral, they are discussing the letter that Liam got, This becomes an argument between Cal and Liam and Cal over reacts and storms off. The other 3 then discuss how Cal had been acting different ever since Dan went missing. Then goes to a flash back of Dan and Cal having an argument just before Dan went missing.

4)      Cal hasn’t been in college all week and Mel, Liam and Olly all seem to think he’s hiding something. In the common room, Olly and Liam float the idea that he may have had something to do with Dan’s murder, at this point Mel starts crying, grieving over Dan’s death. Olly and Liam then say they are going to get to the bottom of what happened, Mel says she wants no part of it and walks off. When the two of them show up at Cal’s house he is acting suspicious, hiding his computer screen and tells them to leave.

5)      With Cal isolated from the group and Mel not speaking to them, Liam and Olly work together to try and figure out what happened to Dan, with their suspicions that Cal has something to do with it, they visit the woods where his body was found and find his phone and go through his old messages, they find texts from an unknown number, threatening him to do things such as steal money etc. The unknown number also says they know about him cheating on Mel with a girl called Amy and more secrets even Liam and Olly didn’t know. When walking around the woods the two find another of the toy soldiers which they assume to be Cals.

6)      Liam and Olly show up at Cal’s house again but this time he isn’t home, then shown is Cal talking on the phone to someone, telling them he knows they killed Dan and to meet him at an abandoned warehouse later that night. Meanwhile Cal and Olly bump into Mel and they tell her everything they know and believing them she says she wants to help find him. Later that night Olly receives a phone call from Mel telling him and Liam to meet her and she is crying down the phone, when they arrive they see Cals dead body with a gun shot through his head and a short figure wearing a mask stood emotionless next to him, the figure removes the mask and it is Mel. She then points a gun at the two of them and explains how and why she did it, the episode ends with her firing her gun.

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